Volunteer Resources
As Christians, we are called to use our various gifts in concert with one another: one united body with many parts. We cannot do the important work of Christ without him as the head and without each other.
Below are the easy steps to take if you will be joining us in ministry to children, youth, or vulnerable adults in any capacity and for any length of time. (A vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 18 that is experiencing physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual difficulty. Examples include a person sick in the hospital, a person with dementia, or a person grieving from loss.)
Examples of ministry work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults might include but is not limited to: Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Youth sponsor/trip chaperone, camps/retreats, Advent & Easter festivals, Chrysalis team, meal or communion delivery to home-churched or sick, home-church visitations, Confirmation Friend in Faith, H.O.T.T. Days, Nursery care givers, God’s Kids Choir, Stephen Ministry, etc.
Should you find that you may have difficulty in completing the steps below, please call the church office at 830-278-3135 for assistance from staff. A staff member can guide you and/or give you access to a computer and the internet.
Contact the church office or staff members Bethany Suarez, Travis Johnson, Kimberly Ruiz, or Sandra Cox and ask to be sent a Ministry Safe link for a background check and abuse awareness training. You will need to give your e-mail address and your legal first and last name.
Check your e-mail (junk/spam folders also) for an e-mail from Ministry Safe. Click on the link to complete the background check and fill out the information completely.
Check your e-mail for another e-mail from Ministry Safe. Click on the link for the abuse awareness training. Watch the videos accessible through the link and complete a short test. Your successful completion notice will be sent to you as well as the church, and you are now certified to work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults.
For further assistance, call or stop in to the church office. Office hours are Monday – Thursday, 8AM-12PM & 1PM-5PM.