Adult Sunday School Classes

All are located in the Christian Life Center (CLC) and meet from 10:00 – 10:50 a.m.
See details below.
Nursery care is available during all classes.
For more information, please call the Office (830)278-3135.
Sunday School Class
Room 101 CLC, Beginning September 6th, parents of young children, young couples, and the young at heart are invited to attend.  September will be a time to gather, pray, and decide on a direction and curriculum for the class.  No matter what, God will get the glory!  Contact: Matt Wyatt
Fishers of Men Class
Room 105 Cox Conference Room CLC, Couples and Singles Age 40 – 70 Contact:  Sherry Laffere.  Current Study: The Bible and Bible-based books.  This large group enjoys a lively and warm fellowship in which they study, serve and socialize together.  Class members are active in church affairs and support various projects with their gifts.  Members of the class take turns leading their studies. 
Searchers Class

Room 103 CLC, Couples and Singles Ages 50 – 80+ Contact: Leroy Walther.  Current Study: Methodist Adult Studies Series This group “yearns for learning” and has a long heritage of quality teaching, responsive membership, service, and fellowship.  They are dedicated to creating a warm, accepting fellowship.  Their prayer list is the first priority each Sunday.  Leaders rotate among the class members.    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————


 Travelers Class

Room 106 CLC, Couples and Singles Age 30 – 50 Contact: Caryn Goggans.  This class enjoys lively discussions and lots of laughter as they pursue greater closeness to Christ and an ever deeper knowledge of the Word of God.  They are very involved in the activities of the church and with their families. Members of the class take turns leading their studies.    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————


Pathfinders Class

Room 104 CLC, All age Adults, Couples and Singles.  Contact: Joy Jechow. Current Study:  Multiple book study of John Wesley’s General Rules and “The Character of a Methodist.”  This class features an informal atmosphere with discussions about Bible studies and human relationships.  This is a multi-generational class that enjoys fellowship each week.