Confirmation is a class for 6th, 7th, or 8th graders and an opportunity for them to really delve into what it means to be a Christian. During this special Sunday School class and other activities, the children learn more about Christ, the origin of the church, the United Methodist church, and their beliefs. Essentially, the children decide whether or not they truly believe in their baptism–decidedly ‘confirming’ it.
Some activities in addition to the Confirmation Sunday School class include movie night, a Friend-in-Faith dinner, meetings/outings with a Friend-in-Faith, a game night, an overnight retreat, pastor classes, and other special events. The students are also asked to put their faith into action throughout the year by participating in church and their own outreach activities.
Children going into the 6th grade do not want to miss this opportunity, but must also demonstrate active involvement within the body. There is also an %80 percent attendance requirement. Parents, please call the church office at 278-3135 for more information. The Class of 2024 confirmed on May 19th. The current class began in August and will confirm May 18, 2025! See Diane Underwood or Bethany Suarez or call the church office to discuss the possibilities for your child.