Updates & What To Know

New Pastor
The Uvalde Methodist Church adheres to itinerancy.  This essentially means that pastors move periodically to a new church to utilize God’s gifts there as well as to grow spiritually.  Uvalde Methodist Church will be saying goodbye to Rev. Steve and Sherry Peyton on June 19th (celebrating their time here on May 22nd with a special lunch at 12Noon); and we will welcome the incoming pastor, Dr. Rev. David Bachelor and his wife Glenda, at 10:30AM on July 3rd.  If you have been absent and want to ‘check the new pastor out,’ please remember that worship is for adoring and praising the Lord as well as coming together in corporate fellowship with the Body of Christ and partaking in Holy Communion together as directed by Christ.  We do not seek worship to see what we can get out of it but to offer ourselves to Almighty God.
COVID-19 Precautions/Updates
Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the church and cleaning protocols including sanitization of high-touch surfaces have been ramped up.
Services are held in-person but will also be posted online weekly on the church Facebook page, ‘Uvalde Methodist Church.’
Handicap Access Parking
The lot to the north of the Sanctuary is for handicap and special needs access.  Parents of young children desiring close access to the nursery are also encouraged to park in this north lot.
New Studies / Groups
Check out our ‘Bible Studies’ section under the ‘Get Connected’ tab above for the latest information on our new studies and groups.
Nursery News. . .
Please WAIT to enter the nursery until a care giver checks your child’s temperature.  Also be sure to check out  a pager and keep your child’s information card up to date with their latest needs and milestones.
Some reminders for parents utilizing the nursery include: parents or guardians must sign children in and out of the nursery (not siblings); the Sunday morning nursery accommodates infants through 3  years of age only; nursery for Bible studies, meetings, and other events may accommodate children 12 and under, however infants and toddlers will be cared for separately from older children. If it is your first time to use the nursery or you need to update your child’s care needs, please fill out a child care card; and, remember to take and return a pager in case of emergency. If you know you are in need of child care for any church event, please contact Bethany Suarez in advance at 278-3135.